
Message from the Superintendent

传统OpenVPN搭建太麻烦怎么办 选用蒲公英Cloud VPN技术 ...:2021-10-19 · 齐鲁晚报济南10月19日讯:中小企业的网管,经常遇到跨地区网络资源需要互相访问的场景,比如远程访问内部网络服务来满足其他分支机构的员工 ...

That’s why we’ve partnered with Family Zone, a leading provider of cyber safety products and education. As a parent or caregiver of our school district, you receive free access to the Family Zone Cyber Safety Hub, which includes articles, videos, courses, and more.

Click "Sign up" to the right and get free access to Family Zone, the platform that we trust to manage cyber-safety across our entire district.


Mr. Timothy Ryan
Santa Rita Union School District


An app that provides you a way to keep a watchful eye on your child’s online activity. Insights will alert you of risky or inappropriate activity, let you set your child's routine, and provide weekly snapshots of internet and app usage.


Set up your Family Zone account

Sign up


Install Family Zone on your children's devices.


Manage your account with the Family Zone app. Download to your own Apple or Android device.



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As leading providers of cyber safety education, ySafe's award-winning team of clinical psychologists, ex-police officers and teachers are committed to supporting families to manage keeping children safe and protected in the digital world.


The Tech Experts

Family Zone creates environments - at home, at school and everywhere in between - that free our kids to get the best out of the digital world, while protecting them from harm, providing parents with world leading parental controls to help manage their family's life online and create homes where children thrive.


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Family Zone came to our school and I have to say the information and tools they have to impart is invaluable. Thank you for your service and information you make available. This is a never ending maze for parents and its nice to have credible information.

Joanna Brien-Strawhan